Oh, today was beautiful! It rained for the first time since May and it lasted nearly ALL DAY LONG!!! I've been asking for rain in my prayers for days now. If you don't ask, you don't get. :)
There was another 4-hour meeting at work today so I got to fold more little circles. I thought it would be a good idea to make the text blocks a little smaller in sequence, to see if I could make a Christmas tree type ornament. This arrangement looks more like a wedding cake. After I took this picture, I rearranged the stack and put the littlest one on the bottom like a trunk. It worked better, but I need another small piece for the top of the tree shape. Oh well. Another day, another thing that doesn't turn out like you expect.
Poor Kiff is having so much trouble with life. Everything he touches ends up in chaos. I can tell where he's been in the house because there's this trail of destruction. I have to remind him way past my threshold of patience to clean up after himself. It must be hard being 12 years old.
Reading: A little more of Teaching About Race in the Classroom (heavy)
Learning: today was not a day for learning except that I learned when I lose my ability to restrain my mouth at work. Oh the regrets! Oh well. Tomorrow I'll do better. I'm doing so much better than I used to. It's ok, self. It's ok.
Working: meetings. Left early to go to the doctor's. Paid $25 for a 6-minute visit to tell me what I already knew: I'm ok.
Watching: absolutely nothing. Came home from work and kept on Kiff to clean up this and clean up that. Took him to Young Men's group tonight. Went to Target to buy luggage (we've needed it FOREVER) and came home to make a late dinner (tostadas - yum) and now I'm so sleepy.
Listening: In my car, I'm listening to the same 100 songs over and over. Michael Franks. Duran Duran. ELO. Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack (ooga-chucka ooga-chucka) Sting.
Eating: Brian bought me a cherry limeade at Sonic after we went to Target. yummy