
Showing posts from March, 2009

My Shirt

Today I am wearing my husband's shirt. It is a bright red button-down that smells of his cologne. It makes me remember him in the random moments the aroma hits my nose. Now I see why some religions wear clothing or other items to remind them of their commitment to God. I am being reminded of my commitment to my husband. Garsh, I like him today!

Why I can't work...

The cat keeps sitting in my chair. But seriously folks, I have been working - I just have no completed projects. Does anyone else have the problem of being able to start 8 BAZILLION projects, but not really have the time/energy/sense to finish them? The paper curtain I've been working on from the last post was coming along swimmingly until I ran out of ribbon (thank Heavens for Michaels' ribbon sale...) and the book purse I'm working on in the above picture just doesn't have a picture of it yet! Tomorrow!

Little Peek

Here's a little peek at the bit of my project I was able to do tonight. Only 10 more to go...

Unstuck and Moving Along

Antibiotics are amazing things. I feel *so* much better now that I can breathe again... I have been a busy girl. So far, I've finished two of my folded books and I've got a great pile of folded pages from a Harry Potter book that I have great plans for... (not telling yet - I want to surprise you).

Book Origami (a.k.a Book Butchery)

Warning: you may not like what you are about to see... Some people are very protective of Books. Capital B. To them, it matters not what information the book contains. The vessel itself is sacred and should not be sullied. I disagree. The book is simply a vessel. It houses information. Information can be useful or worthless. Sometimes it is downright harmful. Some vessels are valuable because they have historical significance. Most books do not fit into this category. Readers Digest Condensed books fall squarely into the Insignificant category. After a book has no significant value, it is good to use for art. Henceforth, it regains value. I like old books and I like to make them unreadable by folding, cutting, bending and otherwise manipulating them! Book Butcher is my name and books are my game... This one below hangs outside my office door. Did I mention that I'm a librarian? It really freaks people out that I do this to books. I think that my profession has given me o...

Work in Progress

I'm getting ready for the Scottish Games in a couple of weeks, trying to make as many items as possible to sell. Tartan beads, Scottish name beads, folded books, book purses, ornaments, etc. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. In other news, the hubby and I are thinking about buying a home. Well, actually it's ME thinking about buying a home and gathering information while the husband clucks his tongue at me. He's been through bad things with the XW and a house, so he's worried about the future reliving the past. I have to keep reminding him that I'm his trophy wife and I would be good about a house. And I care about my credit.

Taking a break

I hab a code and by hed feels like dere's an onion behide by eyeballs. I go night-night. Bye bye.

Paper Curtain and Tartan Beads

An idea I've had floating in my head for a while has been a paper curtain. I've seen ones in craft books where you use an entire sheet of paper on a roman blind type of thing, but I wanted to see what one looked like with individual strands. I've cut out a few hundred hearts from a Harry Potter book (#5 - NOT my favorite...) and have started sewing them together in batches of 20. After I have 17 strands, I'm going to put them here in my office to replace the ugly blinds I have. I was a bit worried about privacy until I saw that the hearts can be interlocked! More pics later. Only 10 more strands to go!! The Scottish Games are coming to Bakersfield the first week in April. I'm hoping to have some of my beads in a booth with my good friend, George the Giant . Teeny tartans.

The Desert of my Mind

Remember how I said I was so full of creative ideas that I couldn't sleep? Well, obviously my brain said "ENOUGH!" and it went blank. For the past couple of days I haven't wanted to make anything. I have tried to make a daisy flower wreath, but it looked awful so I stopped and took it apart. I hope the quiet time doesn't last long. I love making things.

Book Sculptures - a fruity venture

Oh the fun you can have with a paperback book and an X-acto knife . I've started hanging some of my paper ornaments around my library. I don't know if I'd feel as free to do so were I not the branch supervisor and no one really tells me "no."