
Showing posts from August, 2012

Sketching Books

On Wednesday, Brian was home with me and was able to watch Kiff while I went to the library and fulfilled a dream I've had for at least the last five years.I doubt if I'm the only one that looks at other artists and wonders how they come up with ideas that are so original, simple and beautiful that they can create several works with the same idea, yet every one different- a series. While thinking about other artists' work, I thought about what the different parts of the series had in common - color, shape, motif, etc. I wondered what series there might be within me. After a lot of thinking I decided to ask myself what things I love. Here's a short list: books words squares hearts stories trees houses red glitter One day while walking through the stacks looking for something, it occurred to me that the shelves of books were quite lovely to me - their regular patterns were serene and calming. I loved how they looked with all their different widths and heig...

Numbers and Symbols Patterns

I've been on vacation this week and have worked long hours trying to get this set of patterns available in my Etsy shop .  It was a lot of going back and forth with the photos - Picasa and I were not on friendly terms as it deleted three of my pictures. I think I've figured out what I did wrong, but I still took it personally. Anyway, my vacation is now over and I'm sorry it's not longer. I loved taking my son to kindergarten and picking him up after school just like a real mom. I did no housecleaning except the bare minimum. I was too busy making stuff.

This Wonderful Wednesday

 When Kenneth was born, one of my favorite friends gave me a sketchbook and a feather quill. There was a note telling me that the present was for me because when babies were born, most people forgot about the mom. I've held on to that sketchbook all this time and haven't known what to put in it... until now. At work, I've decided to put as many of my talents and interests to use - I want to do more art. I suggested to a higher up that I have a monthly sketchbook program at each of my branches (I work at three!) and the idea was accepted. The point of the gathering is to get the creative juices flowing through structure, accountability and the sharing of like-minded people. We're going to base the gathering on The Sketchbook Challenge website and have monthly themes. And cookies. :) The Cupadee  One of my favorite books from childhood is The Ice-Cream Cone Coot and Other Rare Birds . I found a copy at a used bookstore several years back and have just star...

Counting on Something

Number patterns. They've been designed. Lower-case letters too. You can never be too lucky... no sirree! And here's something I made that's pretty:

In the Hopper

If you could only see my desk/bathroom/bedroom/house. Every surface has something on it. I see why magazines make so much of vertical storage on the walls. I've a habit of putting something anywhere I see empty space. It's almost a psychological problem... Heather Abhors Empty Space. This weekend (and several evenings of the past week) have been spent doing that which I'm always glaring at my husband when he does it - watching TV episodes. I was hooked on Downton Abbey and just finished watching the last episode last night. Whenever I read or watch something that I really like, I become immersed in that world. It's not even a decision I make - it just happens; hence my reason for being so careful what I watch - no war/sad movies for me!! After watching DA, I speak in a very modulated voice and use big words. :) And I don't feel so sorry about my own life when I see servants having NO life. Ugh. I've got school starting up again this next week - both teach...