
Showing posts from October, 2013

A Glimpse Into My Everyday

A bit of work from my tutorial...

Circle Paper Ornaments

With the husband being sick all day Sunday, I had the remote and the afternoon to myself. I finished watching A&E's Pride and Prejudice (a venture over time since I could only watch after the hubby went to bed) and got to see You've Got Mail from start to end without someone complaining about "bonnet movies." And I made these little things. I think they look quite lovely and will let me use up some of my scraps of patterned paper in a most satisfying way. The husband got better around 8pm so he and I watched Big Bang Theory (season 2) while the offspring was sick. Fortunately, he's better today and at school. We'll see if it lasts all day or not. He ate a small breakfast and told me very animatedly about the fun dream he had last night.When I told him it was time for school, he said he wasn't sure if he was sick or not. Wanting to nip the fakery in the bud, I told him the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. We'll see if he really was crying ...


La la la! I love glitter! And a red one with gold-headed pins. And a surprising picture found on my camera. I never imagined my daughter was such a gifted photographer. I should let her play with the camera more often... 

Tiny Star

  Look what I made out of curling ribbon? It took forever and I need reading glasses to make more of them, but I'm seeing earrings in my future! Kiff is sick so I have an unexpected gift of time today. Maybe I'll make a few more...  Cheers to everyone today. It's going to be over 80°F. Happy October?

Pretty Flowers All In a Row

I am fortunate enough to have access to an Ellison die cutter at work. Using the spiral punch, I am able to take different books and make spirals out of the paper which I then use to create roses. I love how uniform they look here in my new square cookie tin (which I bought from Costco simply for the tin. I don't like the cookies). Next on my list o' things to do (besides work on my tutorial) is to glitter these fine ladies and make them into rose ball ornaments for Christmas...

German Stars

This past weekend my family and I watched General Conference . It was the first time I'd taken notes for nearly every speaker. WOW! What a difference it makes! I can't wait to put the words into practice. It's overwhelming how much I learned about myself and how much I want to improve. And I figured out how to make these.  Find instructions here . It took a few tries, but it worked. And I bought my paper strips here . I've even bought a second batch of pink and white strips. Feeling girly...