I love Geninne Zlatkis' art and have coveted (in a good way) her art supplies. I think it's a projection of my envy for her focus and talent, but who has time for psychoanalysis, right? Anyway, I saved up my money and bought a paintbox, just like hers. After all, if I have the same art supplies, I will have some of the same mojo, right? (Who says master's degree Mormon librarians can't be superstitious?) Anyway, I got out all the tubes of paint I've bought and saved and used over the years and sorted them into color groupings and tossed the so-dried-out-that-I-can't-use-them-anymore ones. Then I made a little color chart of all the ones I had left so I could put them in order and choose which ones to put in my new paintbox. It holds 48 half-pans so I figured I wouldn't need more than that. How wrong I was. (Someone is a little promiscuous with her paint-buying.) ANYHOO, I chose my favorite 48 (I will NOT tell how many other colors I had that there wasn...