
Showing posts from March, 2015

Day 42 of TaLent

Day 42 #40daysofTaLent #365project #watercolor A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 31, 2015 at 6:53pm PDT

Day 41 of TaLent

Day 42 of #40daysofTaLent. Urg. A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 30, 2015 at 9:18pm PDT

Day 40 of TaLent

Day 40 of the inaccurately-named #40daysofTaLent#365project #watercolor A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 29, 2015 at 8:52pm PDT

Day 39 of TaLent

Day 39 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 28, 2015 at 6:54pm PDT

Day 38 of TaLent

When painting the heart, I noticed one of the little vignettes had the most wonderful coloring. I've tried to duplicate it, but paint flows differently when you try to cover a larger area! How's this for a new color scheme? A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 27, 2015 at 9:47pm PDT

Day 37 of TaLent

Ha ha! I'm now caught up with my back-blogging. This is a real post from today! I'm still loving the watercolors, but it has been brought to my attention that I do a lot of little houses. There's nothing wrong with the little houses - even from the people who brought it up - and I'm good with them, but I think the time has come to give myself a few other things to work on art-wise. I gave my curly book away at Christmas time and have wanted to make a new one for quite a while now. And now is when I finally started one. I think I need to make a tutorial of this! Day 37 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 26, 2015 at 6:00pm PDT

Day 36 of TaLent (because the 40 went out the window in the harsh glare of Catholic Counting)

The heart that I made earlier this month was at the top of the in-progress pile on the dryer (just go with it). The blue smudge had been transformed into a wash around the entire heart. It still looked weird, so I added a line-vine. Still not enough. Martha Stewart says that more is better, so I decided to put that advice to work with this vine. It's more vine! I didn't see this one coming... Day 36 of more than #40daysofTaLent . A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 25, 2015 at 10:15pm PDT

Day 35 of 40 Days of TaLent

I noticed that my numbering of Lent days isn't matching up with when Easter is. Upon mentioning this to my Catholic friend, Liz, she told me that Catholics don't count Sundays in the 40 days. That was news to me. And it's not like they get the time off as a cheat day. So... I will be doing all the days of Lent and it will be 46 days more or less. And we'll pretend we don't notice. Or that Catholics can't count properly. Getting there on day 35 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 24, 2015 at 9:34pm PDT

Day 34 of 40 Days of TaLent

I feel like this turned out very well. There is definite potential! Thumbnail for possible bigger painting. day 34 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 23, 2015 at 11:05pm PDT

Day 33 of 40 Days of TaLent

I love Geninne Zlatkis' art and have coveted (in a good way) her art supplies. I think it's a projection of my envy for her focus and talent, but who has time for psychoanalysis, right? Anyway, I saved up my money and bought a paintbox, just like hers. After all, if I have the same art supplies, I will have some of the same mojo, right? (Who says master's degree Mormon librarians can't be superstitious?) Anyway, I got out all the tubes of paint I've bought and saved and used over the years and sorted them into color groupings and tossed the so-dried-out-that-I-can't-use-them-anymore ones. Then I made a little color chart of all the ones I had left so I could put them in order and choose which ones to put in my new paintbox. It holds 48 half-pans so I figured I wouldn't need more than that. How wrong I was. (Someone is a little promiscuous with her paint-buying.) ANYHOO, I chose my favorite 48 (I will NOT tell how many other colors I had that there wasn...

Day 32 of 40 Days of TaLent

I'm trying a square layout for a quote. It feels funny not posting a painting, but I only have a little bit of time in the evenings and I get sleepy before too long. Tonight is just a picture of a draft drawing... Un-obvious progress on Day 32 of #40daysofTaLent . A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 21, 2015 at 10:38pm PDT

Day 31 of 40 Days of TaLent

Still wet. Day 31 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 20, 2015 at 10:35pm PDT

Day 30 of 40 Days of TaLent

Back to a simple composition. I'm enjoying using my white pen to make accents... Day 30 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 19, 2015 at 10:48pm PDT

Day 29 of 40 Days of TaLent

Adding atmosphere. Day 29 of #40daysofTaLent . Yikes! Only 11 days left! A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 18, 2015 at 10:49pm PDT

Day 28 of 40 Days of TaLent

Why, yes, I do use my washing machine as a table for my painting. And I take pictures at night. Under a fluorescent light. I need to start scanning them! Trying out a couple new color palettes on Day 28 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 17, 2015 at 10:28pm PDT

Day 27 of 40 Days of TaLent

I LOVE THIS ONE!!!! There is beauty all around this Day 27 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 16, 2015 at 6:50pm PDT

Day 26 of 40 Days of TaLent

I am not sure about how I like this. The line drawings always look wonderful, but I struggle with the coloring in my painting. *sigh* Day 26 of #40daysofTaLent - first layers down... A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 15, 2015 at 9:26pm PDT

Day 25 of 40 Days of TaLent

I love this scripture and have kicked around ideas for making a set of folded books with the words. It's much easier to create a quote in watercolor! On the table for Day 25 of #40daysofTaLent . My favorite scripture... A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 14, 2015 at 10:26pm PDT

Day 24 of 40 Days of TaLent

I have been sick tonight, so just a little work for Day 24 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 13, 2015 at 11:44pm PDT

Day 23 of 40 Days of TaLent

I used to do calligraphy and quotes years ago. With all the beautiful modern calligraphy/script being done now, I want to try my hand at it again! I've forgotten how much I like doing lettering! Day 23 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 12, 2015 at 10:00pm PDT

Day 22 of 40 Days of TaLent

Trying out an idea for a border on Day 22 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 11, 2015 at 10:08pm PDT

Day 21 of 40 Days of TaLent

Here's a detail of the larger picture of all the little houses: Day 21 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 10, 2015 at 10:47pm PDT Oh, look! Houses! Original... Day 21 pt. 2 #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 10, 2015 at 10:48pm PDT In progress: A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 10, 2015 at 10:49pm PDT

Day 20 of 40 Days of TaLent

Slowly, but surely, these things get done. It's like reading - sometimes you can't read just one book. I can't work on just one painting! Day 20 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 9, 2015 at 9:48pm PDT On the proverbial table. Day 20 of #40daysofTaLent pt.2 A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 9, 2015 at 9:49pm PDT

Day 19 of 40 Days of TaLent

Okay, so I'm trying to fix this: I'm not sure about this... A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 8, 2015 at 6:53pm PDT And a peek at the "in-progress" pile. Day 19 of #40daysofTaLent A photo posted by Heather Hajek Eddy (@rhymeswithmagic) on Mar 8, 2015 at 6:52pm PDT