My husband is about to ban me from doing tutorials. I have given myself a burden ( all of the tutorial - done comprehensively and perfectly ) and a deadline ( yesterday, a month ago, last year ) that are both impossible to meet. When I was in college, I was always overwhelmed with homework. My thought was always I could do so much better on this assignment if I just didn't have a deadline! And ideas? I was FULL of ideas as a student. I just didn't have time. And I was jealous of other people who had time to go out and have fun. (I secretly wondered if that was why I didn't find a spouse in college - too busy doing other things.) Now I am out of college - TWO colleges, in fact! I even have a job - TWO jobs, in fact! Both help my family function economically and keep us out of the poorhouse. You would think I'd finally have time , right? Well, I do, but there is a catch. I fill that time. With work. And deadlines. And impossible goals. Fun? What's that? T...