
Showing posts from September, 2013

Out o' Control (Again)

My husband is about to ban me from doing tutorials. I have given myself a burden ( all of the tutorial - done comprehensively and perfectly ) and a deadline ( yesterday, a month ago, last year ) that are both impossible to meet. When I was in college, I was always overwhelmed with homework. My thought was always I could do so much better on this assignment if I just didn't have a deadline! And ideas? I was FULL of ideas as a student. I just didn't have time. And I was jealous of other people who had time to go out and have fun. (I secretly wondered if that was why I didn't find a spouse in college - too busy doing other things.) Now I am out of college - TWO colleges, in fact! I even have a job - TWO jobs, in fact! Both help my family function economically and keep us out of the poorhouse. You would think I'd finally have time , right? Well, I do, but there is a catch. I fill that time. With work. And deadlines. And impossible goals. Fun? What's that? T...

Second Section Ready for Proofing!

In order to avoid overwhelming my proofreaders, I am sending the tutorial out for review in sections. The first section was a simple shape - the heart I posted about last time. Today I finished up the second section where I teach how to fold a more complex shape. Next up is the Big Kahuna - the Read book , the mother of all folded books (in my opinion).

Sneak Peek of Free Form Shape Tutorial

I will be teaching people how to turn a simple drawing into... ... a simply beautiful folded book. And that's just the first part. There's more! My next goal is to get section 2 finished. Did you know that sitting in a hard chair for two days working on a tutorial can do terrible things to your back? If I didn't have to go to work today, I might consider taking some Vicodin and laying down for a while... :)

Alas and a Lack of Tables

I have allowed myself to be talked into having no tables in my house. It is a long sad tale and not very interesting except for the fact that I think I'm a chump. To make up for this lack of flat surfaces, I have become resourceful. My bed acts as a lovely place to put a tabletop when I need both a flat surface and good light. Anyway, here is a blurry shot of my setup of my workspace where I toiled on the fancy font tutorial all day Saturday. It actually made me a little sick to work on it for so long. I just got going and wasn't a grownup enough to make myself stop. As a consequence, my house didn't get clean and I didn't feel like I'd done anything good when I went to bed. Weird, huh? I guess it's all about balance. Wish me luck today. My camera is having troubles now, not wanting to focus. I'm going to say that the above picture is "artful" in its blurriness.It has nothing to do with the fact that I let SAND get in the camera when we went...