This article, How to Steal Like an Artist is amazing. I've seen the link on Pinterest for a while now, but took time to read it this morning when a person linked it on Facebook who didn't seem like the type of person who would link something like that. It was coming from a different perspective. Weird how things are. So, I read it. And I am different now. I have been given permission to be me - a person who works a day job, who is married with children, is not thin and beautiful, reads children's books, loves cats and baking and flowers and art - and use all of those things to create beautiful things. The most important thing I read in this article had to do with sharing secrets. People love knowing HOW to do things. Sometimes they like your secrets enough that they'll buy your stuff. Think Martha Stewart. She tells me how to make a beautiful home. Mary Engelbreit showed me people's studios and art processes. I learned their secrets and wanted to know more ab...