I saw this post on Instructables on making your own magnetic knife holder from a piece of wood and computer hard drive magnets. I love that idea, but found a way to make it a bit more personal for a book lover like myself. How to make a magnetic knife block from a book: Materials: magnets (I got mine from salvaged hard drives, but this is a good place, too!) book x-acto knife permanent glue 1. Start by choosing a book. I chose this old cookbook that worked well with my kitchen's colors. 2. Measuring your magnets, cut a well inside the front of the book block deep enough for the magnets to sit comfortably, but snugly. 3. Put a good amount of glue in the well and place your magnets inside. I broke a magnet trying to get it off one of the metal things - they are VERY brittle - and so I put the pieces in the gaps. 4. Next, glue the cover of the book down over the magnets and glue the edges of the book block to seal shut. Bye-bye recipes from the early 60's.