It was raining and sunshiny all at once the other day! I have decided to jump on the 101 Goals in 1001 Days bandwagon. (Do they even *have* bandwagons anymore? Perhaps I should say something more current: Jumped on the Like Button for this.) Start date: January 7, 2011 End date: October 8, 2013 Give up low-class humor at work Personal cookbook (6/12) Do a session in the Sacramento Temple Have a weekend with Brian in Morro Bay 4/12 Make soap (dismal failure) Read lesson for next Sunday School (40x) Save $1000 Sell badges Buy a Silhouette cutter Learn Spanish (Learn in your Car) Watch all 22 Shakespeare (BBC) DVDs from library (Macbeth, All’s Well, Comedy of Errors, Merchant, Twelfth, Merry Wives, Antony & Cleo, Work out on Wii 20+ min/day 6 days in a row 50x Call Ethan every month Listen to all Jeffrey Holland speeches Make a word quilt Attend a Fascinating Wom...