
Showing posts from January, 2011

In the Works

Okay, I finally went through everyone's suggested edits and am fixing the tutorial. I'm hoping that I can finish it by tonight and post/list it in my shop by tomorrow. I will have finished a HUGE thing for my 101 goals... And Brian built me a shelf that goes around the entire room in my workspace. It's 3 inches deep and I'm putting all my little things up there so I can look at them all the time. Twice a year we have a meeting at church that's comprised of several wards in the area. A ward is like a congregation. Several wards make up a stake. This past weekend was our Stake conference. I dragged Brian to the Saturday evening adult session. My hormones are really wreaking havoc with me right now because I was angry for no good reason. The microphone was doing a little feedback whine that I was ready to knock people's heads off because it bothered me so much. I finally got my booger-headed self out to the lobby where I could still listen but not hear the feed...

Rain in the Head

Apparently, my son has learned to draw. When did this happen? He can also write his name and mine (Mom). Who taught him? I guess my sis-in-law is amazing and I'm so grateful to her... This is a picture of Kiff outside with rain falling on his head. I love the smiley face. I feel like that this week. I even came home early from work today because I haven't been able to sleep through the night for more than a week now. Brian offered to postpone our plans for going out of town this weekend for church and I was so grateful to him for bringing it up. He may not be able to pick up his socks or notice a kid screaming, but he was able to do this. Yay him. The reports are coming back in from the friends about the tutorial. I have a few typos to fix and some steps in the patterns which are unclear that I need to sharpen. I know I could do it quickly, if only I wasn't so muzzy-headed. It's the weirdest feeling. 

Mary Engelbreit's Folded Book Tutorial

While looking through my files this afternoon, I found this torn-out sheet from the original Mary Engelbreit Home Companion magazine that taught me to make folded books. Enjoy! p.s. I didn't use any of these folds in my own tutorial except the first one which I call a gutter fold. :)

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

I've finished my book folding tutorial ( 26 pages of folded paper goodness). The experience reminded me of when I was eight years old and learning cursive writing. I had to practice for homework and it was so hard for me to do that I cried and cried to my mom. She was good about it and just told me to keep going. Nowadays, my husband is the one who says Keep Going. And I did. And now I will be able to sleep again... The tutorial is being looked over by a group of friends and family to check for obvious errors and stupid mistakes. It should be ready to list in my Etsy shop next week!

Sneak Preview

This is going to be one of the patterns in my tutorial. It's called Smocking. The fully done sculpture can be seen here . When I come home at night, I have three things that I *have* to do: exercise, have scripture study with Kiff and have scripture study with Brian. Oh, and eat dinner. FOUR things! (Dinner is sometimes pretty simple, so it hardly seems worthy of mention.) Last night I was helping Kiff learn the third verse to " Praise to the Man "  (the link will take you to the church's interactive music player - it's a BEEYOOTIFUL song!!!) and he keeps re-interpreting the lyrics to his own words. For instance, "revere" to him is re-beer. No matter HOW many times I sound it out for him, he insists "beer is good!" What? And don't even get me started on the word "dispensation." He makes up new words each time, but always with the correct number of syllables. Tres funny! After I finish those evening duties, I have time to wor...

Heather's 101 Goals in 1001 Days

It was raining and sunshiny all at once the other day! I have decided to jump on the 101 Goals in 1001 Days bandwagon. (Do they even *have* bandwagons anymore? Perhaps I should say something more current: Jumped on the Like Button for this.) Start date: January 7, 2011 End date: October 8, 2013 Give up low-class humor at work Personal cookbook (6/12) Do a session in the Sacramento Temple Have a weekend with Brian in Morro Bay 4/12 Make soap (dismal failure) Read lesson for next Sunday School (40x) Save $1000 Sell badges Buy a Silhouette cutter Learn Spanish (Learn in your Car) Watch all 22 Shakespeare (BBC) DVDs from library (Macbeth, All’s Well, Comedy of Errors, Merchant, Twelfth, Merry Wives, Antony & Cleo, Work out on Wii 20+ min/day 6 days in a row 50x Call Ethan every month Listen to all Jeffrey Holland speeches Make a word quilt Attend a Fascinating Wom...