
Showing posts from August, 2010

The Herd of Turtles on my Table

In case you are wondering where I've been, this picture shows what I've been up to. Thirty books. Folded. Jacketed. Wired. Packaged. Soon to be sent. Aaah... it feels good to be done.

All Work and No Play

Since I got that order for thirty (COUNT 'EM!) books, I've been a bit busy. I fold during my breaks and lunches, in the drive-thru line at Taco Bell and during scripture study while Brian reads to me. So far, I think I've gotten 27 done. I need to recount... In the good news, I'm getting faster and better. I still have no idea how to explain how I do these to people! Where's a technical writer when you need them? Anyone have any ideas how to explain the folding process and make patterns?

I'm Not a Librarian. I'm an ARTIST!

Today was one of those days at work where I thought God made a mistake making mankind. People are just too stupid to live, you know? But then one good thing happened. Then another. And tonight, an interior designer called me and asked to purchase thirty of my folded books for a display in a building in LA. Oh, wow. Validation!!!!! In the picture above is one of the pieces NOT going to the LA thing, but staying in my Etsy shop. Yay for librarians!

The Last Mad Rush

I've been rather quiet on the blog front because I've been spending all my free time making beads. School starts next week (the 23rd) and I know I'll have almost NO free time with taking care of 70 students in my two classes. Sometimes I hate doing it and I wish I didn't need the extra money ($100/week - it adds up). And then I feel proud that I'm able to teach a college course - it makes my mom proud of me and that is very important to me. And I feel that I've achieved something in life worthwhile. That's probably because my family wasn't very high in the social standing of anything in our lives - church, neighborhood, extended family or anything. I'm trying to achieve a status of greatness with no baseline. Ouch. Anyway, I've nearly finished cutting out and rolling all of my beads for the Christmas season. After that, it's dipping and making into jewelry. Speaking of that, I need to go order findings so I'm ready to buckle down thi...

Baseball and other sports I ignore

Last week Brian had tickets to go see the Blaze game (local AA? team). Trying to do stuff with the family, I agreed to go. It was lovely. The weather was great and I was able to fold. I don't really care about baseball (I like hockey), so I just sat and folded and wrangled Kiff when he kept going up into the Patio Party boxes to play. Our starting pitcher gave up 9 runs in the first inning. Our team never recovered - we went down 15-6. I finished a book that said "Librarian."

Summer Lovin'

Our trip to Utah was wonderful. Perhaps because we were visiting MY family, I didn't get very much down time with all the duty visits to every family member ( why didn't you come to see ME?) . We did have the opportunity to take family pictures of all the kids with their respective children and spouses. It was weird with one thing. There are six girls and one boy in my family. Of the seven kids, only one sister was not there. This sister has always been a little different than the rest of us and has made very different choices her whole life - even though she'd been brought up the same as the rest of us. (I hadn't been aware of some of the choices until I became an adult) Her choices have made it so she has lost so much in life - her husband/marriage, her children, jobs (multiple), her TEETH and, now, I guess, us - the rest of her family. Although invited several times, by different family members (including the MOMMA!), she decided not to show up for family pictures ev...