Last Monday night I got to take my son to the emergency room for what, I am sure, will be a never-ending parade in the future. I don't know exactly what happened, but it involved newly-sharpened colored pencils, a nightstand and jumping on the bed. It resulted in a badly cut lip and seven stitches. I looked like a second victim as he kept rubbing his face all over my shirt. It's been a week now and his lip is nearly healed. He's hated taking his antibiotics (doesn't like the taste), but is willing to be bribed with a cookie or a drink of Mommy's Diet Pepsi for taking it. Yeah, I'm a sucker. Speaking of sucker, Kenneth is being potty-trained, too. If his diaper is off, he goes just fine. If it's on - no way, Jose. I've taken to bribery. It started out with a Hot Wheels car if he went potty in the toilet. After he got good at that (and started asking for a car every five minutes) we switched to doing the other business for a car and getting a treat for goi...