
Showing posts from May, 2010


The backdrop was up. The book was centered. The light was perfect. The shot was all lined up. And Kiff decided to put the car in the picture. Kid for sale. Cheap. Will throw in purple Hot Wheels car for free.

Oh My Stars and Moons

To quote Mr. Collins: When I'm feeling blue All I have to do Is take a look at you Then I'm not so blue Kiff has taken to mooning me. We're keeping him nekkid to promote good potty skills. He takes advantage of the nekkidness by pointing his backside at me. Suddenly. I get ambushed by the booty. I've been taking pictures of my treasures... This is another A Capella pattern. I wish I had a picture of my window next to my bed. I've been taking my basic patterns and trying to see how many variations I can make from one set of marks. I set them on my sill after I get the pattern down a bit, then I go on to another one. They're all lined up prettily...

Alice's Game book art

Sometimes the most interesting part of the book art is taking the pictures. This one is really WOW to me!

Read a little...


I Love Climate Change

The is the forecast for Bakersfield today. 5 Day Forecast for ZIP Code 93301 Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Partly Cloudy Clear Clear Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 67° | 52° 74° | 47° 67° | 45° 65° | 47° 72° | 52° Usually we are sweltering by now in the 80's and 90's. This is bliss...

Alphabet in Orange

Here's my latest alphabet adventure. It's getting easier to do now. Hurray! I still need to figure out a way to make the letters not so subtle. I'm thinking about burning or chalk...

Week in Review

Last Monday night I got to take my son to the emergency room for what, I am sure, will be a never-ending parade in the future. I don't know exactly what happened, but it involved newly-sharpened colored pencils, a nightstand and jumping on the bed. It resulted in a badly cut lip and seven stitches. I looked like a second victim as he kept rubbing his face all over my shirt. It's been a week now and his lip is nearly healed. He's hated taking his antibiotics (doesn't like the taste), but is willing to be bribed with a cookie or a drink of Mommy's Diet Pepsi for taking it. Yeah, I'm a sucker. Speaking of sucker, Kenneth is being potty-trained, too. If his diaper is off, he goes just fine. If it's on - no way, Jose. I've taken to bribery. It started out with a Hot Wheels car if he went potty in the toilet. After he got good at that (and started asking for a car every five minutes) we switched to doing the other business for a car and getting a treat for goi...

On My Mind

When I first started this blog, I struggled with the themes that I wanted to touch on. I decided to keep it light - mostly about my art and cute things about my family. I've always been a hardcore journal-keeper I have been keeping a journal since I was 9 years old. In my Sunday school class, we had a lesson about the importance of keeping a journal and made construction paper/binder paper journals of our own to take home. Mine was purple and I wrote "Heather's Journal" in my best cursive writing on the front cover and decorated it with pictures of flowers. Another little girl in class told me I was going to get in trouble for writing in cursive. Jerk. That journal was the first in a long, loooooooong line of journals that I have made and kept over the years. My first entries consisted of observations about family life ("Dad is putting in a garbage disposal today and he's really grouchy") and made-up things about my dolls and stuffed animals. Later on, I...


Read. Every day. We just found out today that our County's budget for the library only allots $.31/person in the county. The state average is about $6.75/person in other counties. Our county has no understanding of the importance of libraries. {{NEW}} p.s. Sorry the tutorial is taking so long. Between working full-time at the library, working part-time at the College, doing Etsy and being a mom, I'm a bit swamped. This is not an excuse! I love my life! I am also experiencing horrible writer's block with the tutorial... I have made it bigger than I can handle, so I'm going to have my husband help me. He is a natural writer and has helped me tons before. Thanks for the patience!