Today's excitement was at church. Kenneth was passing the sacramental bread and then was missing for the water. It turns out he got sick as he was passing and another man saw Kiff's distress, took over and Kiff ran out to the bathroom to lose his cookies. NICE MAN!!! Nice ladies in the foyer who fawned over my child as he lay on the couch and suffered. One of them came over to Brian's pew and informed him of the trauma unfolding so he took the child home.
And left me at church without a ride home. Fortunately, one of the ladies foresaw that I needed a ride home and offered me one before I even knew I'd been abandoned. SILLY HUSBAND! She and I had a wonderful talk on the way home from church. I've missed having women friends.
This afternoon I had time to work on my Christmas ornaments for this year's presents.

I think they turned out so nice...
Reading: Alma 42
Learning: Martin Hansen taught Sunday School today and he talked about touring the Vatican on his trip - there were lots of statues of Roman gods and lots of statues of popes. There was only one of Christ. At the end of the tour. The next day he went to the Rome temple. When you first walk in you see the Christus and the 12 apostles. Everywhere in the temple, you are surrounded by pictures or other art of Christ. The focus in the temple is Jesus Christ everywhere you look! It made me look at my home and whether or not our focus is on Christ here. Also, President Nelson said something interesting in an Instagram post I saw tonight: "As you work on your own goals, please keep the Savior at the center of your plans. Always ask yourself - and prayerfully ask your Father in Heaven - "What can I do to become more like Jesus Christ?" As you do this each day, miracles will happen."
Can I apply this to my creative endeavors?
Watching: I listened to Kenneth's movies while I was in the dining room getting glitterfied.
Spiderman: Far from Home, Thor: Ragnarok and
Dr. Strange (my favorite)
Playing: a little Roller Coaster Tycoon. It's just like the one I had 15 years ago and it felt WONDERFUL to play!!! I love all the sound effects - they were so comforting. :)
Eating: tostadas. twice!