Em-Bee-lishments - February 25, 2020

The other week a woman at church whom I admire very much gave me an unexpected gift: one of those make-it-yourself planner notebooks (I think they're called midoris?). It had a travel-sized Book of Mormon, a floral notebook with matching pen, bookmark, binder clips and elastic ribbon closure. 

When I got it home to look at, I thought it looked like it needed bees, so I painted some on it. 

At BYU, some of my biggest takeaways involved making my surroundings beautiful. I had this dream of a completely handmade home with embellished everything - doorframes, hardware, lamps, rugs, dishes, quilts, etc. 

I haven't forgotten that dream.  Today I put some bees on a beautiful gift. Who knows what I'll do tomorrow...


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