I finished this up last night during a
Condor's hockey game (we lost!). This morning I made it a priority before work to stop by Michael's and pick up STYROFOAM balls. My fingers thank me. While I was at M's, I also picked up a "cosmos" Martha Stewart punch. I am hoping to make a paper wreath.
I'm having creative idea overload right now. It's even hard to sleep because I have so many ideas in my head.
The ideas floating around in my head has made me wonder why I can't keep a sketchbook right now. I think I have it figured out: I have too many sketchbooks in my life/house. I am burdened with plenty. And that is being greedy. I don't want to be greedy. It's not an admirable trait, you know? I was looking over a goal I made last year for a time-management class I took: "Eventually streamline my life and physical surroundings to eliminate unnecessary clutter so as to focus on priorities, things which fulfill me as a person." I think I have so many notebooks because I felt bad writing the shopping list in something so good. When I was in college, I had one sketchbook which I wrote EVERYTHING down in - including shopping lists. And I didn't mind - it didn't take up much room and it was kind of a neat record of my life - perhaps I should let myself do that again.
In heaven will we be able to focus?
Nope, can't just have one!