Since Google Reader shut down, I've been at a loss how to follow my blogs. I've been trying Blog Lovin' for a while now. It has a silly name and the format isn't as user friendly. Does anyone have other suggestions?
I use it, too, and don't like it. Most people who reach my blog come through feedly, but I can't figure out how to transfer the 100+ blogs I troll over to it, so I'm stuck. Hmm.
I use Reedah and it's the closest to Google Reader that I could find in the short time there was. I was waiting for the Digg reader, but it didn't come out in time. Reedah isn't perfect, but it's served me well!
Feedly. It's probably too late to "transfer" your list to Feedly, since Google Reader has closed down. I transferred mine when Google Reader announced they were shutting down. But setting up your list on Feedly is easy.
I like the PC/Web version and the iPhone version. I find the Android/Kindle Fire version of Feedly buggy and they haven't resonded to my queries about the bugs.
Hello friends - years ago I created a tutorial on how to make your own folded books and sold it in my (now defunct) Etsy shop. It was a blessing in my family's and my life for several years as it kept us afloat financially during some pretty lean years. At the end of 2016, I stopped selling on Etsy for several reasons, but mostly because selling things gave me HUGE anxiety. So, I closed up that part of my life & thought everyone was finding other cool ways to fold books online & wouldn't care about my little booklet. I have been pleasantly surprised to find many people are still interested and emails pop up in my box every so often asking if I'll ever sell it again. (Apparently, once you're on Etsy, you are FOREVER on Etsy and people can find you forever, too.) In the spirit of paying it forward to the world, I'm making the tutorial FREELY available here on my blog . Scroll below to see the tutorial in its entirety, all for free. Eventually I'l...
When you just need very basic alphabet shapes, these patterns will do the trick! Included in this post are patterns for both the lower- and uppercase letters!
This is one of my most popular tutorials because it has a huge payoff for such a little bit of work (well...). I think it's quite a showstopper! This was a free pattern I put on the blog a million years ago, but it's nice to have it here with the other pattern/tutorial.
I like the PC/Web version and the iPhone version. I find the Android/Kindle Fire version of Feedly buggy and they haven't resonded to my queries about the bugs.