For a few months now I've been toying with the idea of turning the word jewelry part of my Etsy shop over to my sister, April. I was all gung-ho for it and then I decided to keep it a little longer. Yesterday morning I woke up and knew it was time to hand the reins over to her. I called her and she said, "of course," and let me know that it was an answer to a prayer she had for earning a bit of extra cash for a project she has in mind.
I've been making beads since October of 2007 - four and a half years. I wondered, when I started the Etsy shop, how long people did this sort of thing. Did their shops stay the same forever or not? Etsy never struck me as the type of place you HAD to stay the same. Still, I was content until the last year or so when the folded books started growing more and more important to me.
Then it was like serving two masters. I could love the one and hate the other or hate the one and love the other. I definitely could not put the same amount of time into them. As such, my first obligation has been to the beads and the books have been put on the back burner more times than I can count.
As of later this week, when the last special orders are done and the supplies are packed up in a box and sent to April, there will be only one pot on the stove and the heat will be turned up high!
April and me |