Crafting 365 - Day 1

Today Brian (my husband) and I are taking a weekend vacation to Disneyland. Still, I wanted to make sure I started my crafting 365 thing so I hunted around for a portable project. Please understand me when I say I don't really care for Disneyland, but I do care for my hubby. He loves it and I love him, so here we are.

One of my favorite things to do right now is fold books. I saw this in a Mary Engelbreit magazine several months ago and it fired in my brain. I have done dozens of books (look at my other flickr site:, but I've been so busy lately that I've STARTED several, but haven't finished them. Therefore, I've brought one with me. I worked on it in the car a bit, but it was hard to keep my folds even with the car bumping over the 99South freeway.

Here's a picture of the project in progress right now. I'm taking it and a couple of other unfinished ones in a bag to the park tomorrow. Brian is researching The Haunted Mansion for his book (stories for each of the ghosts and an overarching backstory for the whole shootin' match). I'm not sure how many times I'm going to be willing to ride the ride and will need something to do while I wait. Yay.


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