I had an idea last night to border the hearts with words. Colored pencil seemed best because I could match the color to the piece and I like my handwriting. (THANK YOU MOM!)
Blue heart words: Water Serene Peace Tranquility Breathe Rest Drop Patter Ripple Still Listen Sky Ponder Relax Thought clouds Breeze Quiet Still Small Voice Whispering Take a minute to just remember
Green words: Growing quietly whisper soft and too slow to notice until one day you realize everything has changed and its amazing that it all happens without you realizing what part you played bringing it to flower
Hmm.. got a bit poetic. Oh well.
Red words: Love heart tingle of delight and the thought of this could be the time when it really happens and then after years go by remembering before and without and being so grateful that it is Now
Yellow words: Yellow is the beginning of strength it is the ??? of the Sun heating preparing for action the warmth of knowing truth the expansive feeling of growing and of remembering a little
??? cos I can't read my writing!