This painting has a red house. Like most of my paintings. I should call it Red House #?.
Red house with a stamp! In the future, I need to handle the stamp differently. I like not having windows on it and I really like the empty door look that's in the painting above.
Yellow house! With silly fish in the windows! And with water ripples that look like a face with a fat nose! Sometimes it is good to do paintings that are less serious. It also let me experiment with colors. Since when have I EVER used yellow?
Again, I love the look of this house - the door not being painted and its size relative to the size of the house. I think I'll do without the crazy feather-in-a-cap chimney thing going on... I am really loving the rainbow-like combo of colors. It's SO satisfying.
This is an old picture I pulled out last night to try and salvage the edges. They still aren't pretty and perfect, but that's not all I worked on. Obviously, from the other paintings I've posted, I got out the colored pencils and LOOK WHAT I DID WITH THIS PAINTING!!! I love the sunbeams coming down through the clouds.
And I've just never posted a picture of this one before.
- Lisa