
Sometimes when I do my blog, I am so self-conscious that I have trouble forming my words. It's like I know I'm speaking to an audience and I wish I could speak like I'm talking to myself.

Or maybe I'm self-conscious because I'm speaking to myself and that is how I understand. Or maybe I'm crazy. That is possible.

Last night Brian helped me bring in my Readers Digests that I've had outside for a week or so. They are piled up and are a reminder of all the wonderful things I could be doing if I wasn't doing whatever it is that I have to do. I also have boxes of neat looking books that I want to make purses out of. Ugh. No time!

In my spare moments at work, I pull out my yellow paper that I've been keeping my ideas for my book origami how-to book. I wonder if I can make a PDF that I can sell on my etsy site. I read about this woman on etsy who crocheted pomegranates out of wire and no one bought them because they were so expensive. Then she made up a pattern and sold it. They were willing to pay 1/9th of the cost of the actual item to be able to make their own copy. I have been batting around the idea of a book for a while now. I even looked up Lark Publishing (imprint of Sterling who does all the craft books I like) and saw their rules for submission. I could do that. But how to make the time? AARGH!

You might be asking yourself, why doesn't she do this now instead of blogging? I'm at work! I only have time at work! And even then, I'm probably stealing from work because I should be weeding or planning my next program or rearranging some horribly full area. Ugh.


Holly Jane said…
Forget selling patterns on etsy (though they would sell), go for publication! Do it do it! Have you looked at your 746s in a while? Very few good papercraft books. I endorse your endeavor, so now it must be done.

I blog to myself, which is why there is dirty laundry flapping around and scaring off followers, but my purpose is to document my life for when I go senile, a la Notebook (only without Nicholas Sparks anywhere near it). I think followers like tutorials. And I like your tutorials! But you can't do tutorials if you're compiling a book - but a book will also get you followers! Do the book!

Good grief I can't seem to shut up today.

But I loves your posts!

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