People often ask me how I find time to do everything - art, work, take care of a 2-year old. The answer is easy: I don't blog.
In fact, I've been thinking a lot about different things that eat up my time and what I am choosing to do rather than make art, be with my family or do my work here at the library. One thing I thought of was my blogroll. If you are like me, you feel the need to read EVERYTHING on your blog roll like it's a to-do list. I have had days where there were more than 400 items to be read. It made my heart sink.
When things that are supposed to be fun start making my heart sink, that's when I realize I need to unload some things from my (real or perceived) to-do list. So I started weeding out stuff. For instance, I realized most of my blogs were design blogs which means they kept showing me stuff for sale. My house is packed already and I was able to delete those sites without much thought. The second thing I did was look for sites that kept showing me how to do things that were not as clever as ... well, clever. Also, I realized that I will never have the time to turn my house into a completely bespoke creation - at least not before styles and tastes change enough that I wouldn't be interested in those projects anymore. Also, some of these "green" projects that people do nowadays are just plain tacky. Tacky projects photographed well. It's deceiving...
I kept blogs that inspire me, but not in a buy-this-now or make 100000000 things right now to be happy kind of way. I love blogs that show me their works in progress, too. I love seeing how other people work on things that I find beautiful. Look at
my friend Holly's site to see some of that... There will be more about her later as she sent me the most beeyootiful mermaid tote a couple of weeks ago.
Now I just have to get a new camera to take a picture of it. Darn thing broke last night.