Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel - March 10, 2020

The other day it hit me like a ton of bricks that I don't take certain things seriously enough - important things. It kind of freaked me out - I thought I was doing "ok" with life & spirituality.

I listened and found some suggestions on how to focus better and prepare my heart to pay attention to important things - to not be casual.

The past three nights I have set myself tasks - I wanted to work on family history, do art and set up my shop on Society6. I figure those three things will have good consequences - art & family history will center me. Uploading artwork to S6 will ... do something. Don't know what yet.

I'm proudest of that folded book photo. I only wish it was bigger (file-size-wise). I'd have a poster of it if I could.

I sure do love my little houses. They make me proud of my art.


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