I've been working on a special order for several weeks now. It's an experiment in using a special font - what a rollercoaster ride of emotions during the whole thing! I don't know that I did it well enough for continuing, but I'm going to keep working on it for myself at least.
Also, I've been putting off doing my tutorial for the folded books. Brian suggested I shut down my Etsy shop for a couple of weeks to focus completely on the tutorial... I think it's a good idea. I really want to get it done...
Speaking of publishing things, last summer, the week before we moved into our house, I got an unexpected email from Jason Thompson of
Rag and Bone Bindery. He told me that he was in the midst of writing a book about using books for art, had seen my alphabet books and wanted to add them to the book.
Flattered? YES! Was it possible? Mmm... maybe. I rushed to get pictures taken and uploaded to his publisher's server. The book came out this week and I bought a copy from Amazon. I'm not in it, but when I look at the other artists who are in the book and think that I was considered worthy of being included, I'm in awe... I'm also ashamed that the pictures I took were nowhere near the quality of the pictures in the book. Good thing I have a new camera now... :)
BTW, the
book is FABULOUS!!!! Buy it.
thanks... i'll try to remember that. :)