I have perfected my letters for my folded books. Here is my name. I have hung it outside my office door. Now people will know who I am.
Oh, wait. Maybe I should make one that says Queen. of the. Library.
Speaking of jobs, I seem to have one. Where I will be working (branch location-wise) is still a bit up in the air. Apparently, other Librarian II's have seniority over me and may choose to bump me from this branch. If they do, it's THEIR doom! This place is wicked-busy! I would welcome a change of pace at a podunk branch...
(insert maniacal laughter here)
In other good news, we got word today that our loan has been officially approved.
(insert relieved maniacal laughter HERE)
Guess what - I found this huge dictionary in the donations the other day and I want to see if I can do the alphabet for my kid's room.
I can't believe no one has thought of this before!
Hee hee.