House Hunting

This is a very non-art/craft blog. My husband, after much cajoling, badgering and force has been house-hunting with me. We don't qualify for a lot so our choices are limited - mostly foreclosures. We have found this one house about three doors down from my sis-in-law's (she watches Kiff for me during the day) that seems really good. The only problem is that it's a short sale. Everything I've read about those say they are miserable and it's best to steer clear of them. Still, we're going to go ahead and put in an offer tonight for the house. Who knows? Maybe it will be all right for us.

I've had a feeling for a while now that it's the right time to look for a house. I'm hoping that the peaceful feeling is a sign that it will all work out. (I mean, work out as in GETTING A HOUSE.)


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